UI/UX Designer and Webflow Developer

Hi, I’m Siam,

UI/UX Designer and Webflow Developer

With 5 years of experience in the fast-growth startup space, I've led design and strategy for 25+ high-growth startups.

What I offer

My Services

Services Images 03

Product Design

If you are looking to design a website or application, and the finished project will be made available in Figma for you and your development team.
UI/UX Design
App Design
Website Design
Design Systems

Design + Development

If you are looking to design a website or application from A to Z: prepare the design and then take care of the implementation in Webflow or WordPress.
Design + Webflow Development
Design + WordPress Development
Site Support and Maintenance
Developer Handoff

Website Development

If you already have a website design ready and looking to take care the development in Webflow or WordPress.
Webflow Development
WordPress Development
Site Support and Maintenance
Custom Projects

Featured Projects

/ 2023 - 2024

Design & Webflow


Designed and developed entire website from scratch for a real estate appointment setter company.

Design & Webflow


Designed and developed a landing page from scratch for an app aimed at facilitating remote job searches.

Design & Webflow


Designed and developed an entire website from scratch for an Digital Webflow agency.

Case Studies

/ 2021 - 2024



Whitepace is a work management platform designed to help teams organize, track, and manage their work on multiple platforms.



An eCommerce website for furniture. From building a design system to making the website responsive, here's the complete work process.



Travellian Agency works in partnership with both large and small tour operators around Europe.
Why me?
I help fast-growing startups and enterprises to design impactful, mission-focused websites that drive results and achieve business goals.

Client Testimonial

Andy Cole - CEO of 0260Labs

What Clients Say About Me

“Siam does incredible work and seems to just get what you want. I highly recommend working with him and I’m looking forward to our next project together.”

Nathan Horgan
Nathan Horgan

Senior Digital Product Manager, Bupa

Brady Uselman
Brady Uselman

CEO, Oil Command

“He is the most skilled web designer you can find.”

Hjalti Sveinn Viktorsson
Hjalti Sveinn Viktorsson

Founder, Venus Management Ltd.

Ricky Ingram
Ricky Ingram

Owner, Visual Group Digital

“Siam was easy to work with, flexible and takes in feedback well. He executed the designs in a timely manner after ingesting all the design preferences we had. Siam also accommodated our timezone difference to allow us to complete our project delivery in the shortest amount of time possible.”

Clifford Lee
Clifford Lee

Engineering Leadership, Amazon Web Services

Worked with Al on two projects for about a year, specifically the creation of my company website, www.0260labs.com, as well as a mobile application that is currently under development. His knowledge of both Webflow and Figma is 10/10. What takes others weeks if not months to complete, Al is able to get done in days. I highly recommend Al for any UI/UX project you may be considering.

Andy Cole
Andy Cole

CEO, 0260Labs & Highlite

“I hired Abdullah to handle a responsive web page design (mobile / tablet / desktop). He was responsive to my requests and delivered my works on time.”

Benny Chan
Benny Chan

Manager, SillyCube Technology Ltd.

“Siam is a pleasure to work with. Excellent communication and ability to implement requirements. Will certainly work with him again.”

Rashied Amini
Rashied Amini

Founder at Nanaya and Systems Engineer at NASA JPL

Blog posts

/ 2024

Currently busy working, will write something juicy very soon.

Work Process

What to expect?

A complete break down of my work process.

My Typical Workflow:

As every project is different, I adapt my design process to the requirements, goals, and objectives of the client, but typically it looks like this:


1. Project Brief
I will discuss with you about the project goals, objectives, and unique challenges and important context such as your primary audiences and stakeholders, current pain points.


2️. UX Research
I will carry out competitor research and analyze to see your weakness and strengths position compared to your competitors and to see how you can perform better.


3️. UI Flow & Wireframes
Building information architecture is absolutely crucial here. I will begin with user flows to ensure that we aren’t missing any pages or screens. Then I will start with wireframes to ensure all the content is in place. These will be reviewed by you before proceeding to the next stage.


4️. Visual design (UI) & prototyping
I will take those wireframes and design high-fidelity mockups of the website/app. Then, I will transform them into clickable prototypes in Figma so that you can see a functional version website/app.


5️. Collect feedback and conduct user research
Once the UI design is complete, I will present the designs and walk you through them step by step and show you how it works. Based on your feedback, we can do some revisions to make it perfect. After that, we can test it with users by interviewing them or taking online surveys.


6️. Creating UI Guidelines
Before making final deliverables, I will provide a document with GUI Styles and elements states with descriptions for the development team. You will receive a doc with an animation effects description for each element or block.


7️. Delivery
I will ready all the final deliverable assets and hand them over to you once we are happy with the results. If we are designing and developing, I will take those assets and details I need to develop the website

My typical workflow for an entire website project:


1. Goal Identification 
I work with the client to determine what goals and objectives the new/redesign website needs to fulfill.


2. Scope definition:
We can define the scope of the project, the number of pages, the features that the site requires, and the timeframe for building those pages.


3. Sitemap and wireframe creation:
Now we start building sitemaps and low-fi wireframes, focusing on how content and features can be layout in these wireframes.


4. Content creation:
As we start creating/writing content for the individual pages, keeping them SEO friendly will help pages focus on a single topic.


5. High-fidelity mockup:
It's vital that we have real content to work with before we proceed to design high-fidelity mockups. With feedback and revisions, we finalize our mockups.


6. Development:

To keep it seamless and make the development process faster, we start with building the design system (style guide) into Webflow/WordPress, then build out the static webpages as per mockups. Then we add high-end interactions, animations, or features as per requirements.


7. Testing:
It's time to test those pages on multiple devices with multiple browsers with automated site crawlers to identify everything from user experience issues to simple broken links.


8. Launch:

Once all the testing becomes successful, it's time to launch our website. I also provide site support and maintenance so my clients can rest well at night!

Frequently asked questions

How long does a website take to build?

A model website would take 4-8 weeks, but it heavily varies on number of pages, complexity of design and speed of feedback and communication.

How much does a project cost?

The price of a project varies depending on the scope of the project and its deliverables. I have a range of services with different price ranges to adapt to your budget. If you're in the early stages and still unsure about exactly what you need, we can asses your project scope together. This way you can understand exactly how much it will cost for you go to ahead.

I have design assets ready. Can you build it?

Absolutely! I can start at any stage of the process.

Loading timing important, can you work based on speed preference?

100%. The website will be SEO friendly and speed optimized.

Do you offer maintenance and updates after launching a website?

Yes, I provide ongoing support and maintenance services to keep your site updated and running smoothly.

Can you redesign my existing website?

Absolutely, I specialize in website redesigns, giving your site a fresh, modern look while improving its usability and SEO performance.

How do we communicate during the project?

Communication can be tailored to your preference, including email, video calls, and messaging platforms. Most of my clients uses Slack for all kinds of communication, it helps keep all our project conversations organized in one place.

How can I see your past work?

You can view my portfolio showcasing my recent projects right here on my website.

Got a question? Drop me an email at hi@alrazisiam.com

Let’s build something
great together.